What’s Wrong With Hedge Fund Operational Risk
Ratings and Certifications?
Major Risks and Concerns
- Franchise Risk – Both certified and highly rated hedge funds have failed for primarily operational reasons
- Conflict of Interest – Persistent investor concerns from having the hedge fund under evaluation also serve as the paying client
- Cookie-Cutter Approach – Lack of customization in most operational rating agencies reviews has led to the creation of “canned” reports
- Poor Market Perception – Operational ratings and certifications are primarily seen as a marketing tool by investors and hedge funds
- Information Decay – Ratings and certifications are as of a specific point in time and quickly lose relevance during periods of organizational change
- No On-going Monitoring – Ratings and certification agencies often do not pro-actively monitor hedge fund operational risks in between rating cycles, instead self-reporting is required by the hedge fund
- No On-going Support – Hedge funds are often left with little real-world guidance on operational risk management and due diligence meeting preparation after a ratings or certification review is completed
- Limited Scope – Operational ratings and certifications do not incorporate all the major operational risks of concern to hedge fund investors including reputational risks and meta risks
- Few Actionable Recommendations – Hedge funds generally are provided with few actionable steps to effectively capitalize on operational strengths and minimize weaknesses
Our Service Offerings
- Operational due diligence meeting preparation
- Mock operational due diligence audits
- Operational efficiency analysis
- Development of investor operational due diligence functions
- Implementation management
- On-call due diligence meeting services
- Operational best practice advisor
For More Information
What’s Wrong With Hedge Fund Operational Risk Ratings and Certifications?
Corgentum Consulting (1MB PDF)